Family Name: Toh
Given Name: Pee Choon
Contact: peechoon DOT toh AT nie DOT edu DOT sg
Homepage Mirror
NIE 7-03-35
Mathematics & Mathematics Education
National Institute of Education
Nanyang Technological University
1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616
Research Interests
- My main research focus is on number theory, in particular, elliptic functions, modular forms, partition theory and basic hypergeometric series.
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My Erdös number is at most 4, via Toh - Chan - Berndt - Chowla - Erdös
International 手机怎么登录国外网 on Number theory, partitions, q-series and Rogers-Ramanujan identities (6-7 March 2014)
Seminar series on Number theory, partitions, q-series and related research (npqr² )
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- On representations by figurate numbers: A uniform approach to the conjectures of Melham.
Int. J. Number Theory, 9 (2013) 1055-1071. pdf
- Ramanujan type identities and congruences for partition pairs.
Discrete Math. 312 (2012) 1244-1250.pdf
- Differential equations satisfied by Eisenstein series of level 2.
Ramanujan J., 25 (2011) 179-194. pdf
- A new class of theta function identities in two variables. (with R. Chapman and W. Hart)
J. Comb. Number Theory, 2 (2010) 201-208 pdf
- New analogues of Ramanujan's partition identities. (with H.H. Chan)
J. Number Theory 130 (2010) 1898-1913. pdf
- Representations
of certain binary quadratic forms as Lambert series.
Acta Arith. 143 (2010) 227-237.
- Quintic and septic Eisenstein series. (with S. Cooper)
Ramanujan J., 19 (2009) 163-181. pdf
- 潘达工具箱 - 月光加速器好用吗?月光加速器官网注册及 ...:2021-5-6 · 月光加速器速度快不快?是否稳定不掉线? 在手机端翻墙,除了速度快外更重要的是足够稳定,如果速度够快,但是ping值较高或频繁掉线,那这类工具也绝非我伀的首选项,所伃我伀购买前需要详细的了解加速器的链接速度及性能。 (with S. Cooper)
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 347 (2008) 1-7. pdf
- Generalized m-th order Jacobi theta functions and the Macdonald identities.
Int. J. Number Theory, 4 (2008) 461-474. pdf
- Ramanujan's Eisenstein series and powers of Dedekind's eta-function.(with H.H. Chan and S. Cooper)
J. London Math. Soc., 75 (2007) 225-242. pdf
- The 26th power of the Dedekind's eta function.(with H.H. Chan and S. Cooper)
Adv. Math., 207 (2006) 532-543. pdf
These are the submmitted versions of the papers and may differ from the published versions. For copies of the published version, please write to me.
Other Publications (Selected)
- What is the next number in this sequence?
P.C. Toh and E. G. Tay
accepted Math. Spectrum.
- The Problem Solving Approach in the Teaching of Number Theory
P. C. Toh, Y. H. Leong, T. L. Toh, J. Dindyal, K. S. Quek, E. G. Tay and F. H. Ho
Int. J. Math. Ed. Sci. Technol. link, pdf
- Use of Practical Worksheet in Teacher Education at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Levels,
P. C. Toh, T. L. Toh, F. H. Ho and K. S. Quek
Proceedings of the 35th Mathematics Education Research Group of Australiasia Conference,
Singapore, 2012, 736-743.
- Self Learning Laboratory Sessions for Engineering Mathematics,
P. C. Toh
Proceedings of the 16th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics,
Bolu, Turkey, 2011, 187-192.
Golink - 专为海外华人回国加速:2021-2-6 · Golink加速器是专为海外华人设计的一款加速看国内视频、玩国服游戏、听国内音乐,刷直播网页的一款软伀,一个账号,多端使用,帮助海外华人突破地域的局限,无忧访问国内各大主流应用。
- 手机怎么登录国外网
- Bijections in the theory of Partitions
- Pell's Equation
- Sums of Squares and Sums of Triangular Numbers
- Applications of Graphs
- Repunit Polygonal Numbers. (Student paper appeared in Mathematical Medley Vol 38 No. 2.)
- Properties of Lattice Polygon Duals
- Finite Calculus
- The Mathematics of Google's PageRank (Student project won silver award in SSEF2010.)
- Fourier Series and the Riemann Zeta Function
updated December 2013